Feeding Your Baby

Depending on the definition, a baby can be any child up to four years of age. A baby’s head is about half the size of a human’s head and his or her skin is almost transparent. Bones and muscles are fully developed, although they are still very soft. The baby’s eyes are open and his or her respiratory system is producing a substance known as surfactant, which helps the air sacs fill up with air. A baby’s body weight is about 5 1/2 pounds, and the baby’s eyesight is at least 6 months. A baby isn’t expected to live much longer, but he or she will continue to gain weight.
The first trimester is a crucial time for the development of the baby. Some factors that can affect the development of the baby include certain medicines, illegal drugs, heavy alcohol use, and infections like rubella. It is also during this time that cranial nerves and the main blood vessels of the human body are visible. During this time, a baby is most susceptible to birth defects. It’s also the time when a baby will start to walk.watch new movie here filmy4Wep
Feeding should be done in a positive, pleasant environment with few distractions. Feeding should be done in a developmentally appropriate manner and with a lot of attention and love. The child’s body is designed for feeding and will naturally seek out their nipples. Alternatively, parents can hire wet nurses to feed an infant, although wet nurses aren’t common in developed countries. For more information on feeding, see the articles below.