Anime – A Worldwide Phenomenon

Animation has become increasingly popular in the West in recent years. According to statistics from the Japanese film industry, anime accounted for 7.1% of all domestic film sales in 2001, a significant increase over the 4.6% for live-action works. The popularity of anime can also be seen in the profitability of the DVD market, which contributes 70 percent of all sales. In recent years, Japanese television stations have purchased more than 60 billion dollars worth of anime, more than half of which were purchased from foreign sources. Late-night anime programs have increased the sales to television stations in Japan, particularly since they are targeted to adults.More Info About Smihub
The earliest commercial Japanese animation dates back to 1917. In the 1960s, cartoonist Osamu Tezuka developed the characteristic art style that spread throughout the world. Anime films developed an enormous domestic audience and are distributed theatrically, via television broadcasts, and over the internet. Anime tends to be more mature than live-action films, and is often based on Japanese comics. Because anime is so diverse, there are a variety of more from here tamilmv
Anime is a Japanese term that refers to all forms of animation, but does not necessarily come from Japan. The term is also used outside of Japan as a catchall term for all Japanese animation. Japan has been producing these films for decades, but they each had a unique look, storytelling style, themes, and concepts. Anime is now a worldwide phenomenon, translated into many languages and enjoyed by a wide audience. Its popularity has even spawned a whole generation of Western viewers.You Get all Info About Fast Open Upload